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Feb.14th 2015  

6pm to 8pm 

Friends, Pizza, Games & a Movie!

What's not to love about that?

The Next

Parent's Night Out 


Friday,  Sept. 26th 

6:00pm to 8:00pm 

What is pno?


Need a night out to shop, see a movie, have a date or just hang out?

Kids have a blast on this special evening planned just for them.  We like to call it Parents Night Out but really it’s Kids Night Out. Your children will enjoy a unique, themed program with dependable, qualified and caring staff in age-appropriate groups. They will experience a night filled with activities, group games, crafts and pizza!

So go do what you need to do, and know your kids are in a safe, fun environment. 




Sunday Oct. 27th 

For ages: 5 and up

Drop-off time: 3:30p.m.
Pick-up time: 5:30p.m.

COST - Free to Students & Clubmembers only

Next PNO Theme is...
Monster Mash Party Bash!

Halloween Costume Party!


Sign up if you scare , to attend this spooktacular event.


This ghouls gathering will be a night of fright frolicking and fun with ghoulish games , scared stiff pizza along with a short movie and not to worry , we'll make sure it won't be beary scary


It will be a Fang-tastic Party you won't forget!




Parent's Night Out!


earning her black belt!
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